Managing Change: Lessons from Nature for Resilient LeadershipChange is inevitable, both in our workplaces and the world around us. For leaders navigating change, the challenges can feel overwhelming…Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023
Biomimicry and the Shape of StoriesAs I move along my biomimicry journey, I continue to share my enthusiasm with others. At times I’ve noticed that some people are put off by…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022
10 Lessons from a Biomimicry JourneyFor 20 years I’ve driven environmental and social impact at iconic organizations including National Geographic Society, The Nature…Dec 4, 2021Dec 4, 2021
Running 50 miles at Stone Mill50 Miles! It’s a lot to run and now that my first 50-mile ultra is behind me here’s a recap of the race, my training, and what I learned.Nov 20, 2021Nov 20, 2021
So you want to grow your business …A recent discussion with a friend and mentor veered into the topic of growing a business. Growth! A six letter word that the MBA in me…Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
Living Smarter on the PlanetThe wonder of nature provides clues to living smarter on the planet.Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Live Like WaterWater inspires me. It inspires me to be a better human. A better father. A better leader. A better steward of this precious resource.Mar 17, 2020Mar 17, 2020
Wayfinding through complexity: Focus on the journey AND the destinationEarlier in my career I mastered principles of agile software delivery using scrum. Those principles opened my mind to a new way of…Jun 12, 2018Jun 12, 2018